Over the past fifteen years Black Cat Displays have specialised in the supply of Interactive touchscreen displays to the museum sector.
In the early days, touchscreens were very much a niche item that required specialist knowledge to interface with computers. Now however, they are with a few exceptions plug and play. Black Cat Displays pick industrial quality LCD’s and touch components for the job resulting in reliability and offering the best user experience, so much so that our displays are still going ten years later.
Black Cat Displays provide the following services:
- Consultation
- Design
- Prototyping
- Build
- Repair
- Replace and Refurbishment
All under one roof.
Black Cat Displays have been involved in small, medium and large projects creating bespoke displays for a huge variety of requirements including:
- Science Museum - Who am I, Atmosphere and Medicine Galleries
- Natural History Museum - Treasures
- Victoria and Albert Museum - Furniture, British Galleries and Jameel
- National Museum of Scotland - Digital Labels, Touch Tables and Donation Terminal
- St Mary’s Church Cambridge - Kiosk design and installation
- Brighton Museums - Kiosk installation and exit survey software
Black Cat Displays services don't stop once we have delivered our product, we pride ourselves with excellent after sales support, through the life of the products.