Drop-in replacements for Aircraft Simulators
The last five years have seen unprecedented change for the touchscreen display market, with sizes and resolutions disappearing from commercially available off the shelf products (COTS), resigned to industrial panels in kit form.
Here at Black Cat Displays, we have years of experience making a kit of parts into a drop-in replacement for previously available commercially available units. We select touchscreen displays that deliver wide viewing angles, clear visibility and brightness, and low glare. Our bespoke touchscreens are of industrial-quality made specifically for public use and 24/7 operation.
Black Cat Displays currently offer drop-in replacements for the following displays:
- Driven/KME 21.3" touch displays
- NEC PA302W 30" touch displays
Drawing information available on request.

With the following in design phase :
- NEC 2090Uxi 20.1" touch displays
- NEC P241/242/243 24" 1920x1200 touch displays
- NEC EA193Mi 19" touch displays
We can also supply custom NVIS option in 7" & 17".
With Black Cat Displays, making the right choice is a breeze! Contact us today for a no fuss touchscreen repair or to learn more about our drop-in replacements.