Experts in Bespoke Touchscreen Displays
Rollback twenty-five years to when touchscreen integration was a very specialised industry and when few firms in the UK were seeing applications for touchscreen displays. Early adoption of touch technology was being trialled in flight simulators on fixed sync very large cathode ray tube monitors. The touchscreen display integration involved stripping down a plastic-cased, very heavy expensive monitor, and fitting a curved touchscreen, drilling and rack fitting.
Today however, things have moved on significantly and technology has developed in leaps and bounds. Black Cat Displays were recently contacted for a project to replace an existing display monitor with a bespoke touchscreen to fit in the same space. The image below shows our custom flat LCD to replace the previous curved screen fit, however this was made to look the same. Black Cat Displays' specialise in custom touchscreens inclusive of made-to-measure digital displays and this project demonstrate just that.

Talk to us about Touchscreen repair and Touchscreen replacement
The project mentioned above clearly demonstrates Black Cat Displays' unique selling point. When it comes to touchscreen repair and replacement, there aren't many providers out there with the specialist knowledge required to complete such a job, let alone to such a high standard. We can also apply the same skills to museum touchscreens displays and flight simulators that have long since become obsolete or indeed need specific design requirements. Black Cat Displays' are here to help from design to manufacture of bespoke touch screens. If you have a touchscreen monitor in need of repair, replacement, or refurbishment, contact us today for more information.